Tuesday, 12 November 2013

The Start Of Something New...

Firstly apologies for being so slack on here, no posts not updates whatsoever for quite some time. to be honest I've quieter on all forms of social media I use. I've had a busy time in work and a few changes at home, all has settled and I have the time to keep a blog going...again.

My 2013 training results.

I don't know why but I always consider my training year to run from september to september, I think its about then that I used to decided to 'bulk' or not. It has been a little different this year, with focusing on a lean gain for the last 12 months. I'm really proud of myself for not dieting over summer or at least leading up to it. It would have been pretty pointless, I'm not a competitive bodybuilder and it would have hindered my end goal of muscle mass!

When I first started training in 2006-2007 I wanted to look freaky big! I still do. Although now I know my limitations and I have excepted the size I will be able to achieve (naturally). I think this is maybe why I haven't been writing as much or tweeting about my training sessions and progress, I was coming to terms with not being able to achieve the look I wanted to have when I set out as a young lad. I'm ok about it, I just have to focus on being as big as I can possibly be...and I'm not there yet! I have made significant gains in muscle mass this year I'd say about 4kg of lean muscle. It's hard to gauge as I was coming out of a cut so I was bound to put some size on. Since the reverse diet period has gone the weight gain has slowed down considerably.

There is exactly one year in between these two pictures ...I'm happy. If I can replicate this over the next few years I'll be where I want to be :).

The next stage!


Although I haven't been writing my programming down, I know what has worked best for me over this last year.

Eating around 3000kcal has kept me in enough of a kcal surplus to build muscle and remain lean. I have around 350g of carbs about 180g of pro and 85-90g ish of fat ...as you can see its a rough guide I have also realised that I don't have to get really anal about the numbers, as long as I'm close enough I'm sweet.

As for training I've played with a few different programs over this 12 month period and I have found that I need to stimulate a muscle group 2-3 times a week exercises in the 8-12 rep range to really see a difference in muscle mass.

So with that in mind I'll tell you how I trained yesterday.

Monday 11/11/2013

Back Squat
4x8 90kg (no belt, shoes or wraps)

Incline Bench Press
4x8 65lb dumbbells

Bent Over Row (machine)
4x8 35kg

Arnold Press
4x8 35lb dumbbells (40's next time)

Triceps Push down
4x10 pin 7

Standing Biceps curl
4x8 15kg plus the weight welded to the bar

I'm going to be doing a Monday -Wednesday - Friday split changing the exercise for each body part each time I train.

I do feel kind of liberated having written this!

I'll write up wednesday's program on Thursday


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