Thursday 5 December 2013


Good session last night

100kg 105kg 110kg 110kg
No belt or oly shoes

100kg 100kg 105kg 105kg

Straight arm pull downs
pin 6

Arnold press

I'll take my measurements again tonight and compare them to three weeks ago


Tuesday 26 November 2013

Training Log 22/11/2013

4x8 80kg, 85kg 90kg 90kg

Flat bench
4x8 95kg 100kg 102.5kg 105kg

Bent over row
4x8 80kg 80kg 80kg 80kg

Arnold Press
4x8 45lb dumbbells

Weighted dips
4x12 BW + 25kg

Barbell Curl
4x12 40kg

Thursday 14 November 2013

Training log and measurements

I decided that the scales are not the best way for me to keep track of my progress. Plenty of people are saying that I've gotten bigger over these past few months, but the scales say I'm the same (damn you scales). I know my body composition can change and my weight stay the same but for my own sanity I need to see some numbers going UP!

Took the tape measure out last night to access the situation.
Height 5'6
Weight 71kg
Neck- 15in
Biceps- 15 1/2in
Chest- 41in
Waist (navel)- 32in
quad- 22in
Calve- 13 3/4in

Not bad reading really, being naturally skinny my calves have always been a small muscle group, but writing that number down made me realise how small! Ideally my calves and biceps would be of similar size but my freaky arms grow like weeds!

Wednesday 13/11/2013

Leg Extension
4x8 Stacked the machine

Flat Dumbbell Press
4x8 60lb 65lb 70lb 75lb

Straight Arm Pull Downs
4x8 Machine pin 7

Rear Delt Machine
4x8 pin 8

Skull Crushers
4x8 Fixed bar plus 7.5kg

Standing Biceps Curls
4x8 fixed bar plus 5kg

I'm loving these full body training sessions, next one on Friday, 3 a week is the perfect amount for me.


Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Start Of Something New...

Firstly apologies for being so slack on here, no posts not updates whatsoever for quite some time. to be honest I've quieter on all forms of social media I use. I've had a busy time in work and a few changes at home, all has settled and I have the time to keep a blog going...again.

My 2013 training results.

I don't know why but I always consider my training year to run from september to september, I think its about then that I used to decided to 'bulk' or not. It has been a little different this year, with focusing on a lean gain for the last 12 months. I'm really proud of myself for not dieting over summer or at least leading up to it. It would have been pretty pointless, I'm not a competitive bodybuilder and it would have hindered my end goal of muscle mass!

When I first started training in 2006-2007 I wanted to look freaky big! I still do. Although now I know my limitations and I have excepted the size I will be able to achieve (naturally). I think this is maybe why I haven't been writing as much or tweeting about my training sessions and progress, I was coming to terms with not being able to achieve the look I wanted to have when I set out as a young lad. I'm ok about it, I just have to focus on being as big as I can possibly be...and I'm not there yet! I have made significant gains in muscle mass this year I'd say about 4kg of lean muscle. It's hard to gauge as I was coming out of a cut so I was bound to put some size on. Since the reverse diet period has gone the weight gain has slowed down considerably.

There is exactly one year in between these two pictures ...I'm happy. If I can replicate this over the next few years I'll be where I want to be :).

The next stage!


Although I haven't been writing my programming down, I know what has worked best for me over this last year.

Eating around 3000kcal has kept me in enough of a kcal surplus to build muscle and remain lean. I have around 350g of carbs about 180g of pro and 85-90g ish of fat you can see its a rough guide I have also realised that I don't have to get really anal about the numbers, as long as I'm close enough I'm sweet.

As for training I've played with a few different programs over this 12 month period and I have found that I need to stimulate a muscle group 2-3 times a week exercises in the 8-12 rep range to really see a difference in muscle mass.

So with that in mind I'll tell you how I trained yesterday.

Monday 11/11/2013

Back Squat
4x8 90kg (no belt, shoes or wraps)

Incline Bench Press
4x8 65lb dumbbells

Bent Over Row (machine)
4x8 35kg

Arnold Press
4x8 35lb dumbbells (40's next time)

Triceps Push down
4x10 pin 7

Standing Biceps curl
4x8 15kg plus the weight welded to the bar

I'm going to be doing a Monday -Wednesday - Friday split changing the exercise for each body part each time I train.

I do feel kind of liberated having written this!

I'll write up wednesday's program on Thursday


Thursday 25 April 2013

Never miss a blog post again! Plus competition.

Here's the thing..Yesterday this blog received over 200 views, which is awesome and much appreciated. On other days it can receive 500 views and on occasion just 50. The reason this happens is because I only really post my blog to twitter, someone see's that tweet and reads the blog. Someone who checks twitter two hours later may miss that I've posted on the blog, and lets be honest these people are missing out...we can't have that now can we!

Sooo here's the plan- If you Subscribe to the blog by using the 'follow by email' tool.. will get notified whenever I post on the blog, this will save you worrying about missing my witty and amusing blog posts...see how much I care? The other option you have is to become a member of the blog, which puts your profile in a group called 'Lifters of Heavy Things' how cool is that eh! All you have to do is sign up using the Join This Site tool ..

.. and join these NINE trend setters for some blog reading fun. I must state that the members of the LOHT (Lifters Of Heavy Things) receive no special treatment, I love them no more or no less than the people that just follow by email,  but you won't know for sure unless you're in the UDC (ultra dope club)!   

The 3rd option and the best option- is to do both of the above :) If you are not becoming a member and just subscribing by email, you will have to let me know you have done it by using the 'contact me' tab and sending me a msg saying that you have done it. All of this is easier on a PC/Mac than on your phone, but it can be done on either. 

Ok, lets talk incentive. Now not only will you never miss a blog or potentially be in the ultra dope club of the LOHT or the UDC of LOHT...I'll work on that. You will get the chance to win a prize ... Ooooooo! 

This is the prize 

It's a container of Grenade's AT4 ... All information about the product can be found HERE  . Basically- It's expensive and I'm giving one away for free! I also have a few of Grenade's Protein Flapjacks for 2nd and 3rd place. To draw the winner I'm going to do names out of a hat, it's the easiest way. With this in mind, it's really important that if you are just subscribing to email notifications and not becoming a member of the LOHT UDC you need to use the contact form to let me know that you have done it. I'll leave a few days for you to get a good chance to sign up in whichever way you want, potentially do the draw on Monday evening ( 29/04/2013).

This is not a Retweet and Share thing, it really is so you don't miss any posts on the blog ...No catches. I'm only going to give the main prize out if I get over 20 new subscribers, not much of an ask I don't think??

I think that's everything... Oh for those who are already a member you will be entered automatically, apart from @grenadejay ..sorry dude. If you are already a subscriber, just use the contact tab and let me know.

Any questions/queries ...better name for the UDC LOHT? Just let me know.

For The People 

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Short update (inc progress pictures)

A distinct lack of posts lately, work and wanting to do a few jobs around the house has been keeping me busy. I've been sorting the garden out for summer, decking has been put down and I've been making it look like somewhere I'd want to sit and enjoy the lighter nights ... an area to use my kettlebells and hopefully re-start the Vlogs again- multipurpose decking ha ha.

I've been fortunate to have received some Creatine to try and blog about, not from the manufacturer but from a supplier. The creatine is the new Onslaught by Grenade, I was expecting a load of ingredients and massive paragraph of nutritional mumbo jumbo about loading, but it doesn't have one. Grenade seems to have kept it quite simple, as a creatine product should be.

In the past I've only managed to use creatine effectively when it’s been an active ingredient within a protein shake (maximuscle cyclone) it was expensive but after a month of using it I was fully saturated, lifting more as they say 'the proof is in the pudding' -the proof was in the pushing and pulling in my case.

I had my first serving today, it's a drink- I have both the raspberry and Fruit punch flavour, and to be honest it tastes nice and mixes really well, I'd go as far as saying I will look forward to drinking it.

Semi sales pitch over with.

I have finished my 10 week lean gain phase, here’s the picture again.

                                              66kg                                                 71kg 

I have just completed a 2 week mini cut where I went from approximately 71.5kg to 69kg.This was an interesting time for me, I didn't feel like I put a lot of fat on but I could tell it was getting that way, pretty much after 4 days of reduced kcals I had started to lean up and changes could be seen on the lower abdomen. I’m now going to start the lean gain phase again, 8-12 weeks of muscle building fun.


On another note the whole lean gain phase thing is part of my long term plan. I’m going to continue with this phase for at least 12 months, maybe even until the start of 2015! It’s for the greater good, although the urge to get shredded for summer is playing on my mind. I have to remember…this may sound arrogant but it is what it is. In fact, I would like it on my tombstone

“Even when bulking- I’m beach ready”.

On that sombre note, I bid you all adieu.

Remember – Do compound lifts, swings kettlebells, eat enough to support your training goals but not too much you get fat, stay healthy, be intriguing but not always intrigued and as always share my posts ;) 

On Thursday the 25th of April I'm going to run a little competition, nothing massive, but I have a tub of Grenade's AT4 to give away. To win all you have to do is subscribe to the blog- simples, if you are already a subscriber then all you have to do is drop an email in the contact me section saying that you are already a subscriber (you may have to be on a desktop to do this or use the web version on your mobile) and that will be your entry. I'm not expecting mass involvement so the chances of winning are reasonably high. I have some grenade flapjacks that I will give away for 2nd & 3rd place.  

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Paleo For Athletes

Paleo For Athletes

I'm having a bit of a rest week this week, so I thought i'd write like I used to, when I had more time - the good old days!

I have read a few things recently that have bothered me somewhat. Not articles as such, just snippets of a conversation or tag lines under pictures - all to do with the Paleo lifestyle and the benefits and detrimental effects it can have on an individual.

Now I must say that I'm not currently Paleo, but I have been before and I liked it. It is a little bit restrictive at times - let's start that again - it's very restrictive, but you are restricted to healthy food. I also felt like I was cheating at times, or even being judged, either by hardcore cavemen and women or just in my own head. I don't mean like having ice cream, I mean like having peanut butter when I'd run out of almond butter; peanut being a legume and not actually Paleo (cue people going DOH!)

This post isn't about the Pros and Cons of the Paleolithic diet, nor is it intended to start a big debate...or even a little one. It's about following that lifestyle but not using it as a tool for fat loss; this is what has bothered me enough to write this piece. Being Paleo isn't just about a fat loss journey, it's about making a lifestyle change. Fat loss may have never entered your head, but for 90% of the Paleo community it will have. I want to talk about the other 10%. For starters I'm sad that the ratio is 9:1 but that's just me; I would have liked for everyone to have had this thought process:

I want to change my body composition and improve all round wellness ► I'll eliminate sugar and processed food ► I will keep a food diary to make sure I don't under eat or eat too much ► I'll monitor protein, carbohydrate and fat intake ►I'll keep an eye on fibre intake►I'll research the risks of calcium deficiency► I'll find a way to get calcium on whilst on Paleo ► I'll monitor sports performance.

Unfortunately the vast majority of Paleo dieters enthusiasts (I think it's unfair to brand it as a diet as it is a lot more than that) came to the Paleolithic party via this route:

I want to get ripped ►Paleo looks good ► I can't eat that ► I can't eat that ► I can't eat that ► I'll have meat and nuts ► I'm tired ► I can't lift anything ►I can't run fast ►I've lost 5kg ►I'll post a picture.

Lets talk about nutrition in general.

I'm assuming that my target audience are interested in training with weights and are looking to get bigger, faster and stronger. To get BFS you need to fuel your body in such a way that it has enough of a surplus. I suggest you start out with the following macro-nutrient targets and alter them as you learn more about your body and how it reacts with food.

Starting Point
18 Calories per lb of body weight
1.5g of protein per lb of lean body mass

(1) "Individuals such as body builders, who are using resistance training to increase muscle mass, require a protein intake greater than that recommended for sedentary people. The protein needs for athletes trying to increase their muscle mass range from 1.4 to 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. This increased need for protein, however, is much less than what most of these athletes assume it to be. In addition, these increased needs are easily met through traditional food sources"
Josophine Conolly-Schoonen (MS) (RD)

1.5g of carbohydrate per lb of body weight , increasing as you learn how your body reacts or using 2g per lb of body weight on training days. 

(2) "Carbohydrate is the predominant energy source during a strength training workout. Stored as glycogen in the muscles, it is the fuel used to supply energy for short, intense bursts of power. The harder and longer you work out, the more glycogen your muscles require. Once these stores of glycogen are gone your energy level will drop and you will run out of fuel to power muscle contractions. For this reason, athletes doing strength training exercise in the hopes of building lean muscle need to have an adequate carbohydrates intake.

Your carbohydrate needs will vary depending upon the intensity and length of your training sessions. For those doing moderate workouts of less than an hour, you may only require 2 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body per day. Those doing long, intense training two hours or more, may require 3-4 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight each day."
With  the rest of the remaining kcals made up from fats
After meeting your carbohydrate and protein needs the rest of your food will be made up from fats. at least 30% of your total calories will be made up from unsaturated fats from nuts, oils, seeds, lean meat  and avocado.

NB - I would always recommend getting BFS from a lean state or at least below 18% body fat.

I'll do an example for a 80kg/176.37lb male with 15% body fat

176lb x 18 = 3168kcal
1.5g x 149.6 LBM = 224.4g  Protein
1.5 x 176 = 264g Carbohydrate
224.4 + 264 x 4 =  1953.6 kcals 3168-1953.6 / 9  =  135g of fat

So, lets have a look at what a typical days food could look like:

Breakfast - Steak, sweet potato, olive oil, blue berries and strawberries - 788kcal
Lunch - salmon, spinach, bell peppers and pineapple - 560kcal
Evening meal - Turkey, tomato, carrots and parsnip - 422kcal
snack coconut, bacon, eggs and a banana - 948kcal

Totaling 2738 kcals
carbohydrate 275g
Fat 136g
Protein 205g

This would be the minimum (or a good building block to start upon) for improving performance/health for someone around 80kg.

I think the 'take home point' is that Paleo isn't just about protein and fats, look at your goal and eat for that goal. Whatever you do, don't just eat 350g of protein and expect to get big and ripped, the only thing that will get leaner is your wallet.

I hope this post has been useful, my target audience is very small but I still think it was worth writing.

Eat with your goal in mind
Perform Compound lifts ;) 

1 -.
2 -Nutrition for Sport and Exercise, 2005, Jacqueline R. Berning, Suzanne Nelson Steen, ISBN 0763737755.