I've started running again in the morning before work, just a quick 3 miles in a bout 22ish mins, not that taxing really. I've always taken my dogs out before work but usually I just walk them. I think I stopped running because of a mixture of the bad weather and my knees hurting, but my minimalist running shoes have stopped my knees from hurting and the weather has been ok recently. I like a change, as long as it's my decision to do the changing. It's surprising what such a small change to your daily routine can have on the rest of your day. I wrote a few weeks back about stretching off being my recent big push, so having to make extra time to use the foam roller after my run has meant I've had to start taking my breakfast to work with me - this is my usual breakfast:
Chicken, extra lean bacon, almonds and some salsa.
Because I'm having this later I'm having my mid-morning snack later which is the melon and grapes and some walnuts and beef jerky:
Home made beef burger, asparagus and scrambled egg
Turkey curry with sweet potato
Chicken and bacon salad with an omelette
I'm not needing an afternoon or pre-workout snack as much, so the next thing I've eaten is my post workout snack, my favourite thing at the moment, a coconut milk protein shake or some pancakes. Or both :D
So that only leaves my tea (evening meal):
Tuna omelette
Beef curry
Paprika Pork
All of this only comes to about 2100/2200 kcal's a day - not that much at all really, even though I'm at a desk for the most part of the day. As I train with intensity, including my morning walk/run and a Crossift WOD or a strength session, it's only leaving me with a net of 1700/1800 which is just about right for a cut (for me - 5'6" 67kg). This will have to change come the end of August, which is when my strength phase is going to start... Excited is not the word, a little bit of pee just came out! :-0 <--- shocked face! I'm going to do 4-6 weeks on strong lifts 5x5, then finally try the Wendler 5,3,1. I don't want to go from hardly doing any weighted gym work straight into the 5,3,1, as I feel I would make more gains by starting on the strong lifts then making the change after a few weeks. I will need to fuel my body with enough kcals to lift big weights, though I'm not going to go crazy and start necking cans of coconut milk at 450kcal a can lol... It's an idea though. If I can just add a little bit more food to each meal rather than trying to fit another full meal into the day I should be fine. I've never understood why people don't do that anyway, or a pre-bed shake would work. I will have to rethink the whole thing really, as I will be training not long after waking, and I don't really want to train fasted...or do I?*
*research required for future blog entry
I should get chance to do a Vlog later in the week - I may try and video some of this week's strength session, maybe just the squats or something - I can't promise though, it's a nightmare trying to video in the gym!
Hope you are all enjoying the Olympics and are riding the wave of enthusiasm for everything sports related :D I also hope that all the pictures of food distracted you as this post didn't actually go anywhere lol ...PEACE!
P.S. While its a hot topic here is the Intermittent Fasting Blog I did at the end of February:
I continue to IF but I have found a single 24hr fast on a Sunday or Monday works best for me, I think this will work really well when it comes to my strength gain/muscle building phase! ...oops more pee :( embarrassed face
Barbell Benny
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