Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Training programme

Firstly I apologise for not posting last week, it was nice to see I was missed! :)

It's nearly time, the new gym I'm joining is nearly open, and after weeks of having only one weighted gym session session a week I will be able to train 3-4 (dare I say 5) times a week! All before work too, nice and early just how I like it. On top of this, Crossfit Wigan is opening too! Someone up there must really like me :)

I have been thinking about my programming for quite a while, more so lately than usually, and it's been torturous having all these ideas and not being able to implement them. In the past I've followed a basic 5x5 training programme with high volume on my de-load week. I found this programme got me strong and I felt full, but I don't think I optimised hypertrophy (muscle growth). With that in mind I'm going to do a lower body/upper body split (as opposed to a full body work out) with a high rep Olympic lift based Couplet, or barbell based crossfit WOD with some rowing thrown in. I will do this at the end of each session; I haven't done a body part training split in over 4 years now, I've never looked back!

Proposed Training Programme:


Rowing and GHD to warm up

Lower body:

Back squat 3x8
Stiff leg dead lift 3x16 (drop set last set)
Front squat 3x8
Leg extensions 3x16 (drop set last set)
High pulls 3x12
Seated/standing calve raise 3x16 (drop set last set)

Crossfit WOD: 7-10 mins of heavy barbell work, coupled with an abs movement or rowing or anything equally disgusting! ;)


Lower Body Notes: The order that I do either the back squat or the front squat will change every session, and the amount of weight I use will be noted and increased with I complete 3x8 with that weight. I may pyramid the accompanying exercise.


Upper body:

Flat bench 3x8
Incline fly 3x16 (drop set last set)
Dead lift 3x8
Bent over row 3x16
Shoulder press 3x8
Standing lateral raise 3x16 (drop set last set)

Crossfit WOD: same as on Lower body day, it will be programmed to fit in with with what I have already trained that day. Stretching session.

Upper body notes: I will look pumped as fark when I finish this... Take pictures lol


Rest day(ish) : depending on how I feel I may do cardio on this day there is a circuits class at 0615 and the crossfit gym run a WOD at 0600 so I have options

Thursday and Friday

Repeat the lower and upper body days


Rest/walk dogs and take in our green and pleasant land, add pizza and some blackthorn to the day's nutrition ;)

Sunday more of the same (minus the pizza and cider)


Like I said its a proposed programme,  there is no chance I will be able to do 2 days in the gym, 1 day off and 2 days back in every week - life does not allow it - but I will still follow the pattern the best I can.

Hope you are all well and as always if you have any questions or queries just ask, I will always offer my opinion.

Barbell Benny


P.S. check this picture out ;)

I was unstable, but this was taken on a timer, I didn't do too bad.

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