Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Training with intensity

Hello again,

This has come round really quick, it doesn't seem two minutes since I was writing about stretching off....which has been working out really well for me I've managed to get 5-10 mins in a day in the evening the majority has been foam roller work, I do feel it's been worth while.

I wanted to talk about training intensity and rest periods this week and the more I think about it the more I think it's quite a hard topic to discuss with you. OK , lets say someone asks what cardio I did last night, my reply being 10x100m sprints, I explain how I have doms in my legs like I have been squatting heavy weights and explain about the benefits of engaging your fast twitch muscle fibres this way. The next day the same guy tells me he did the sprints and feels nothing and maybe he should leaving the sprinting and just do squats and longer runs...SIGH. I ask him to try the sprints one more time and that I will do them with you to make sure you do them right, he scoffed and said  'I know how to run'. My initial feeling is that he had probably done 6-7 sprints got bored and sacked it off. I met the guy on the field and after a warm up we started the first sprints, when I do a sprint that's exactly what I do, I run like I'm being chased down by a lion ...a hungry lion who likes lean meat ha ha. I sprinted right over the finish line and turned round to see where he was .. I won obs. He came jogging in after slowing down at about 85m in, I joked 'we're doing 100m sprints here lad not 85's ' he replied with you're fitter than me. That has nothing to do with it and it's a bit of a bug bear of mine, people that maybe fit still give 100% and everything is just as hard, it's all relative !! Rant over. I said just put in the effort till you get to the finish line. I noticed his breathing had started to calm down so I started to get ready for the second leg. He looked at me in dismay, we have only just finished the last one. I explained he was recovered enough to go again (we had nearly rested for 2 mins) he explain how last time he had waited until he was fully recovered and fresh before every sprint...that's not how I roll, 2 minutes is more than enough. This went on up to sprint 6 and I could see how he was flagging and he was getting slower and slower, his sprint had turned into a painful looking jog. I decided this was time for some motivational words, 'a sprint is as fast as you can go form point A to point B and if that means you have to crawl the last two sprints that's what we will do, we're finishing this set of 10!' HIIIHOO SILVER AWAYYY <--- didn't actually say this out load but I was thinking it ha ha. He seemed to buck up and we did the last two sprints at a reasonable pace. We finished and he collapsed in a heap on the floor, we stretched off (because that's what we do know isn't it ) and took a very slow walk/jog back home. On the way I talked about training intensity and asked him to remember how he felt when he had finished that session. I think the main factor of doing any training like that is integrity, if you can finish a session and look in the mirror after you have finished and say you gave it everything you had then you're on the right track, don't just go through the motions, train insane or remain the same! This goes the same if you're lifting weights running long distance and doing any kind of physical activity, if you want to improve you have to make it hard for yourself. Sucks doesn't it but if it was easy it would be like we were in that film '300' everyone massive and ripped to shit.

Remember next time you put your gym kit on that you aint going to take it off until it's wet through with sweat!

Video from @Marvinleeryan

Barbell Benny  

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