Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Training Log - 20th November

Lower Body session

Last night was the first session using a 5 rep range, I may have to leave the Upper/Lower split and go for a mixed training routine. Last night I did 5x5 back squat and 5x5 front squat in the same session which I have been doing any way just with 8 reps so this time it was heavier ...and it killed me off!

This is how it went down

Back Squat



I was reasonable happy with this, on my last leg session I'd managed a set of 8 at 102.5kg so its an increase in weight and more importantly time under tension.

Front Squat


I didn't go into this with a whole lot of confidence as I was feeling the burn from the back squats


This is where I would usually do some cleans, but I was cleaned out.

Calves and Abs

3x12 calve raise
3x12 weighted abs

I think moving to a lower rep range is going to mean switching up the routine, maybe something like this:

back squat 5x5
Shoulder press 5x5
Row 5x5
clean  3,2,1*

Front squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Deadlifts 5x5 maybe 3,2,1*
assistance work

1*  Heavier than the 2 reps but for a max reps an all out effort

Some of the Power lifters were in the gym last night, I filmed Shaun squatting 500lb/227.5kg. ( I think it works out at 501lb actually) 

He does hit parallel, I'm stood on a box to film him so the angle is a little off ....500lb! You can't hate on anyone taking that off the rack, stepping back not to mention being OUT OF THE CAGE !

Catts gym, where PB's are made

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